Friday, November 23, 2012

Tochter Zion Translation

Hi guys, guess what?!
I found something to make your learning of Tochter Zion more interesting! O(∩_∩)O

Here's the English translation of the German piece:

1.Tochter Zion
Zion's Daughter

Freu e dich
O Rejoice!

Jauchze laut, Jerusalem
Shout aloud, Jerusalem

Sich dein Konig kommt zu dir!
Lo, thy king doth come to thee!

Ja, er kommt, der Frie de furst!
Yea, he comes, the Prince of peace!

Tochter Zion freue dich!
Zion's Daughter, O Rejoice!

Jauchze laut, Jerusalem!
Shout aloud, Jerusalem!

2. Hosiana, Davids Sohn,
Hail, hosanna, David's son,

ser gesegnet deinem Volk!
be thou to thy people blest!

Grunde nun dein ew'ges Reich!
Thine eternal kingdom come!

Hosiana in der Hoh'!
Praise be sung to thee on high!

Hosiana, Davids Sohn,
Hail, hosanna, David's son,

ser gesegnet deinem Volk!
be thou to thy people blest!

3. Hosiana, Davids Sohn,
Hail, hosanna, David's son,

sei gegrubet, Konig mild!
be thou welcome, Gentle King!

Ewig steht dein Friedensthorn,
Firmly stands thy throne of peace,

du des ew'gen Vaters Kind!
thou, the Father's only Son!

Hosiana, Davids Sohn,
Hail, hosanna, David's Son,

sei gegruber Konig mild!

be thou welcome, Gentle King!

April, love
